Anabolic steroid Primobolan: use and effectiveness

Primobolan is one of the popular preparations in bodybuilding for achieving good results quickly. How does it work and are any side effects possible?

For those who are engaged in bodybuilding, the best assistant for quickly achieving impressive results will be a completely unique steroid that has no identical analogues. We are talking about Primobolan, a mild-acting steroid.

What is Primobolan?

The anabolic steroid was developed by the German company Schering AG. The anabolic first appeared on the market in the early sixties in the form of active ingredients such as methenolonacetate and methenolone enanthate. The drug has long-lasting effects. The acetate form was offered several years ago in the form of injections and tablets. It is the injectable primobolan that is most often used in bodybuilding.

Primobolan is practically a pure anabolic with a minimal androgenic component. It has an excellent combination of anabolic and androgenic properties.

Primobolan has positive effects on the body. It:

  • Does not retain fluid, and therefore is used in drying out.
  • Great for drawing muscle definition due to its zero fluid retention and anabolic nature.
  • It has the ability to retain nitrogen, which means it is great for preserving muscle in the event of a calorie deficit in the background of drying.

This product is taken by both men and women. Only the dosages in this case are different. If you choose from tablets and injections, most often athletes choose the injectable form due to the faster effect. In addition, injections do not harm the liver, which is very important. At you can find a wide range of Primobolan from the best manufacturers.

Effectiveness of Primobolan

What is Primobolan? It is a steroid with many benefits for bodybuilders.
It is the only anabolic steroid that leads to impressive muscle mass growth even on a low-calorie diet.

  • Primobolan is the only steroid that builds hard muscles at a slow pace, but with virtually no side effects.
  • The product is indispensable for drying and relief.
  • It is a rare androgenic steroid with a mild effect on women and beginners in bodybuilding.
  • The drug is available in both oral and injectable form. The injectable drug is Metenolone Enanthate.
  • Excellent for beginners due to the fact that Primobolan is not toxic to the liver.
  • It does not convert to estrogen, even in the case of high doses.
  • The steroid helps build quality muscles without side effects.
  • Does not retain water in the body, does not raise blood pressure, and does not lead to the development of gynecomastia.
  • Firmly binds to anabolic receptors, making it an effective fat burner.
  • Ideal for combination courses.
  • Does not aromatize, so great for gaining muscle mass.
  • Excellent as an immune booster.
  • Athletes use Primobolan to build and maintain muscle tissue, especially during the lean period during a low-calorie diet.

Primobolan Instructions for Use

What is Primobolan? It is an anabolic steroid that is a dihydrotestosterone derivative. It is used to treat anemia in women and even in children. It is a mild drug, which in sports can be used in the first course of “chemistry” and in the subsequent. Of the features of Primobolan should be highlighted:
The use of the drug for pre-competition training in bodybuilding due to the fact that the product does not give water and fat gain.

Makes muscles stiff and sharply outlined

Primobolan in combination with weight-loss products shows impressive results: quality muscle mass is gained and strength is increased;

Metenolone Enanthate does not suppress endogenous testosterone production; it is ideal for use between anabolic steroid courses and helps restore normal endocrine function;

The main area of application of the drug is the course for lean and exit from the steroid cycle.

As for the dosages, they vary for impressive results in gaining muscle mass in the range of 180 to 800 milligrams per week. And this absolutely cannot be called a limit. This safe anabolic steroid is perfectly suitable for beginners, so you should pay attention to this drug in the first course.